

  • 编辑:配音云
  • 分类:配音档案
  • 浏览次数:1167
  • 发布时间:2020-06-21 04:08:31
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Chapter 5 The next day, the prince and his servants began going to every house in the kingdom trying to find the girl whose foot fit the glass shoe. They searched and searched, but no one seemed to be able to fit into the shoe. At last, they came to the house where e Cinderella and he r step-mother and tow step-sisters lived. Hear ye! Hear ye! Whosever tiny foot fits this glass shoe is the future queen. May we enter? Oh , of course. Welcome. It is an honor to have you in our home. These are my lovely daughters, Sula and Ri ca. I am sure one of them will fit into the glass shoe. I will go first. I know my foot will fit the shoe .I shall be the next queen. The servants brought the shoe to Sula to try on. She tried and tried to push her fat foot into the tiny shoe, but she just couldn’t do it . Step aside, Sula. It’s my turn now. it looks like I shall be the next queen. The servants brought the shoe to Rica. She pushed and she shoved her foot into the shoe, but still it was a bout three sizes too small for her big foot. There must be some mistake, I know that shoe must fit one of my daughters. Try again! My apologies madam, but the shoe just doesn’t fit. Are there any other young ladies in this house left to try on the shoe? No! I only have two daughters. Wait! Could I try the shoe on? You? Why should you get to try the shoe on? You did not even go to the ball. You are just a kitchen maid, you should get back to work! Please ladies. The prince did say that everyone, be they rich or poor, shall have a chance to try on the glass shoe. The servant brought the shoe to Cinderella to try, and of course it fit perfectly. Behold, oh prince the shoe fits! And here is the other one. What ? But how? Chapter 6 Just then the fairy appeared and work ed her magic. Cinderella’s rags were gone, and once again she was dressed in the beautiful gown she wore go the Ball. It’s her! it’s the girl I danced with in my dreams and at the Ball. She shall be my wife. Servants, announce to the entire kingdom that they are all invited to attend my wedding tomorrow afternoon. The prince helped Cinderella into his Royal carriage and took his bride-to-be back to the castle. This time it was Cinderella’s step-mother and two step-sisters w ho were left crying. The next day, everyone in the kingdom came to celeb rate the royal wedding. Cinderella and the Crown Prince were married , and they lived happily ever after.

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