

  • 编辑:配音云
  • 分类:配音档案
  • 浏览次数:511
  • 发布时间:2020-06-21 04:58:40
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  Welcome to the HJ International Hotel Dongguan, to experience your delightful journey!
  Step into the hotel lobby, the welcome atmosphere is set off by sweet and hospitable smile, and soothing music plus flower’s fragrance.
  384 commodious rooms and suites, including our Elite rooms, Noble rooms and suites, Executive rooms and suites, and the Presidential suite, with roomy space and every comfort in anticipation of you and your company.
  * 尽显欧陆风情的多瑙河咖啡厅,全天候呈现零点和自助餐环球美食。
  * 经营原汁原味潮粤菜式的颐和宫中餐厅,充满中式情调而不失时尚的大厅及18间包间,俨然成为城中名流餐聚的热点。
  * 在清雅幽静的茶缘茶艺馆,三五知己品茗国茶大红袍,体味中华茶文化的博大精深。
  * 位于43层的东瀛日本料理,让您置身无敌景观品鉴正宗和食及美味铁板烧。
  * 顶级美食需要超乎梦想的惊喜,美妙的感官体验来自188米高空的360°旋转餐厅,安坐48层城市至高点,一边俯瞰东莞美景,一边享用顶级名厨的法式大餐。
  * 富丽堂皇的牡丹会所,权属于顶级城市会所----牡丹会,设有中西宴会厅、娱乐室、会议室和钢琴吧,为牡丹会员提供尊享服务,包括延伸至所有嘉华酒店管理公司属下所有酒店的相关会员设施和服务。
  * 多姿多彩的餐饮设施还有另具一格的大堂吧、本地特色的竹溪食坊、会员及行政楼层贵宾专享的行政酒廊。
  Our 8 distinctive restaurants and bars blend a superb collection of delicacies and feast.
  * With the charming beautiful surrounding, the Danube Cafe presents the global international buffets and all day dining of Ala Ca menu.
  * Savor the best of Cantonese and Chiuchow cuisine in the stylish Season Palace Chinese Restaurant, which features 18 luxurious private dining rooms either for social lunch or intimate gatherings.
  * The Tea House is also a relaxing place where people feel at ease to treat friends to the traditional Chinese tea making and tasting, the famous tea of Da-Hong-Pao is its proud.
  * The Nihon Japanese Restaurant on the 43rd floor, with elegant Japanese style décor and beautiful city view, theme dining of Teppanyaki, Sushi and Sashimi bringing you all kinds of Japanese fancy foods.
  * Aloft on the top of 188 meters high, you can appreciate an amazing feeling beyond the divine food at the 360°Revolving Restaurant, And enjoy the fusion French cuisine which is presented by expert culinary chefs.
  * The gorgeous club house is affiliated to the Peony Club, featuring private banquet halls, karaoke room, mahjong rooms, conference room and the piano lounge for members. The club facilities are extended to those of all hotels managed by the Regal Palace Hotel Management Co., Ltd.
  * Food & Beverage outlets are also including the Lobby Lounge, the Bamboo Food Court, and the Executive Lounge serving the Executive floor guests and Peony Club members only.
  Extraordinary events call for extraordinary venues. Our Intercon Grand Ballroom of a space over 1200 O, plus the Asia room, Europe room, America room, Australia room and 3 function rooms,  offer flexibility to stage all kind of banquets and events. Personalized planning and attention to details are the hallmarks, especially for the great time when you say “I Do” in your splendid wedding.
  * 健身中心、瑜珈室及天台景观游泳池,为您忙碌的旅程舒压解劳。
  * 全新概念设计的碧涛水疗位于6层,面积6千多平方米,包括水疗、沐足、理疗、护理及棋牌娱乐等,专业技师引领体验健康生活之旅。
  * 在最新娱乐理念的星际夜总会,无论风味美食、开怀畅饮或是引吭高歌,为城中品味达人塑造时尚娱乐的新生活。
  We are ready to tend to all your personal needs in the moment you stay……
  * If keeping fit is a priority, the Gymnasium Center, Yoga Room and out door swimming pool would be a remarkable oasis of calmness among our energetic sites.
  * The Spring Spa located on the 6th floor is of over 6000 O, with facilities of spa, foot care, massage, body treatments and recreational facilities. The Spring Spa wellness program is practiced by our skilled therapists, complemented by a range of indulgent body treatment.
  * The Galaxy Night Club is an ultramodern entertainment center, where you may enjoy the snack flavor, indulgent carouse(畅饮狂欢的意思) and joyful karaoke in your leisure time

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