

  • 编辑:配音云
  • 分类:配音资讯
  • 浏览次数:247
  • 发布时间:2020-06-19 06:22:26
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一艘满载宝藏的海盗船沉没在深海之中,曾经称霸一时的海盗也随之沉落海底,死亡带给他们的不是解脱而是另一种折磨。此刻,暴风雨再次袭来,在惊涛骇浪里,这艘海盗船再次出现。 面对富可敌国的宝藏,无畏的冒险者们,快从恶灵的手中夺走那些宝藏,财富和权力将会属于你。但不要忘了,机遇越大,危险也就越大,不要因为自己的贪婪,丢掉了性命。 听,恶灵已经从沉睡中苏醒,它们已经迫不及待的想与你们见面了,哈哈哈! When a pirate ship full of treasure sank in the deep sea, the pirates who once dominated the sea also sank into the sea. What death brought to them is not relief but suffering.Now the storm came again, and the pirate ship reappeared in the stormy sea. In face of the treasures, intrepid adventurers, go and get those treasures from the hands of evil spirits. Wealth and power will be yours.But don't forget, the greater the opportunity, the greater your danger will be. Don't lose your life because of your greed. Listen, evil spirits have woke up from their deep sleep. They can't wait to meet you. Ha ha ha! 你们,也是来寻找大名鼎鼎的杰诺斯·琼恩的宝藏是吧,咳咳(酸涩),那你们做好死亡的准备了吗?瞧啊,暴风雨就要到了,晚了,可就什么都没了!哈哈哈!!(要求:幸灾乐祸) You, too, are looking for the treasure of the famous Jenos Jon, (cough) are you ready to die? Oh, the storm is coming, it’s late, but nothing is gone! Hahaha! ! 宝藏,致命的宝藏!(要求:激动) Treasure,devastating treasure  暴风雨!!!(要求:大吼,急促) Rainstorm!!! 我的头呢?!(要求:绝望) Where is my head? 害怕了吗?现在回头还来得及!(要求:冷峻假装老太太的声音) Are you scared? It’s still time to go back!  去死!!(要求:疯狂) Go to hell.  宝藏找到了,但命却快没了,哈哈。(要求:假装老太太的声音阴险) Treasures are found but our lives are almost gone. 在哪里?!(要求:绝望) Where is it? 以为离开就结束了?嘿嘿嘿,一群无知的可怜虫!(要求:阴险) Are you thinking it is over after leaving? Poor wretch!!  不!!(要求:绝望) No!!
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