

  • 编辑:配音云
  • 分类:配音资讯
  • 浏览次数:664
  • 发布时间:2020-06-19 06:23:39
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1. Broadcast for Important Festivals according to the Chinese Lunar Year (First, fifth, and fifteenth days of each month; first day of February)  Dear visitors and believers,  In the interests of safety, and in order to enable us to accommodate as many people as possible, please pay attention to the following: Please queue up in an orderly manner, and show consideration to the elderly, children, and the disabled. Watch where you are going and take care not to trip. Please do not climb over the rail. Please be cooperative with the security check for all visitors and their personal belongings. Please don’t take any prohibited items inside – this includes your own incense. Please queue up to purchase tickets and check that you have the right ticket, and make sure that you take care of your belongings so that they are not lost or stolen. To prevent congestion and stampede, please proceed only in a south-to-north direction. Once you have entered, do not attempt to retrace your steps. After your visit, please leave by the exits at the west side of the Yonghemen Hall or by the temporary exits at the northwest or northeast corners of the Wanfu Pavilion.  2.Incense  Dear visitors and believers,  In order to build a green and beautiful Beijing, reduce the pollution caused by burning low quality incense or too much incense, and in order to create a dignified, pure worshiping environment, Yonghegong provides free incense and asks that you do not bring or use your own incense. Incense booths are located along both the eastern and western sides of the main road, 150 meters from the entrance. Please observe the rites of worship. Collect the incense you need in an orderly manner. It is polite to burn three sticks. Alternatively, you can offer flowers, fruit and Hada (a silk belt) . Thank you for your understanding and support. We hope you enjoy your visit to the Lama Temple and wish you perpetual happiness and prosperity.
配音制作/配音/配音棚租用/音乐制作/伴奏制作/ 全国联系电话:13568829740

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