

  • 编辑:配音云
  • 分类:配音资讯
  • 浏览次数:964
  • 发布时间:2020-06-19 06:24:01
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China, The Land of the Dragon. With a population of 1.3 billion, China has become the world's largest car market.It’s also the #1 market for Audi, accounting for xxx% of the global sales with a growth rate of xxx%.Audi was one of the first international brands to enter the Chinese market, 30 years ago, and it quickly positioned itself as the #1luxury brand. China also became the first and only market in which Audi designed custom models to meet local needs.Although many Chinese grew up dreaming of owning an Audi, the times began to change. Due to massive economic growth and rising living standards the mindset of China's younger generation began to shift. Influenced by the Maker Culture, they believe strongly in freedom and innovation, embracing modern Chinese values and designing a unique life that enables them to express their individuality. 
After 1994, competitors like Mercedes and BMW entered the Chinese market and were viewed as young and trendy brands. Audi became associated with the older generation, as consumers considered it to be a more conservative and mature brand.To reclaim its Vorsprung position, Audi had to transform its brand perception. We came up with the concept of using more trendy advertising campaigns to show everyone that regardless of generational differences, Audi remains the #1 brand in Chinese customers’ hearts. 
We rocked the automotive world by redefining who today’s Audi drivers really are. Driving an Audi is no longer the exclusive right of traditional businessmen. Now, it’s also the car for young and successful entrepreneurs who are shaping China’s future. To drive this point home, we selected 3 innovative celebrities who revolutionized their fields. Long Ma, the first grand slam table tennis champion, Jingfang Hao, the first Chinese female writer to win The Science Fiction Achievement Award. and Congfu Cheng, the first Chinese to compete and win an award in the 24 Hours of Le Mans.
We selected “driving change, with every first” as the key theme of the campaign. In Stage 1, we utilized an innovative approach by bringing in 3 KOLs to draw attention and stir up public curiosity. We simultaneously released print ads to showcase Audi's progressive image to the public.After the audience was exposed to the key message, Phase Two was launched. Audi sponsored the New Year's Eve party for Eastern TV. Audi cooperated closely with the show's producers to include custom graphic designs in production, while the show provided celebrity interviews and discuss young people's experiences to expand the brand image. 
In addition, three videos were released in which our spokespeople vividly reflected on their experience of being pioneers in their field. This campaign is not a "one-off". It marks the launch of our new brand strategy in China, positioning Audi as a brand that understands Chinese consumers and evolves with them through generations.  So far, the results have been astonishing, as our Driver Image Campaign has been our most successful one to date.  Reach XX,Awareness XX,IM Results XX,Showroom Traffic xx,Sales XX In 2018, we will continue the Driver Image Campaign by launching additional phases that reinforce Audi’s position as the premiere innovative brand that is driving change, with every first … in China and around the globe. 

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