

  • 编辑:配音云
  • 分类:配音资讯
  • 浏览次数:540
  • 发布时间:2020-06-19 06:24:06
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Layer door installation Installation sill According to the sample line annotation layer in the Layer entrance door opening width of the center line and net line Before installation, first in layers on the door sill to draw floor door opening width of the center line and net line If the bracket for concrete structures, rinse with water, will be installed on the ridge paw the ground Steady release sill, so crossed the baseline on the ground crossed the hall door sill align Sample line distance measurement between the sill and to meet the standards Door sill line transect distance of 30mm, maximum of 35mm Scene with a fine stone concrete pouring The steady release sill use leveling foot level After stabilizing the sill above the ground after the renovation should be 2 ~ 3mm If there are no concrete corbels on embedded iron welded frame, steel bracket installed to stabilize the sill 1000kg rated load and below the various types of elevators, can not do less than 65mm edge angle brackets, welding, and steady loading sill. Corbel brackets least 3 Elevator above 1000kg rated load in various types of elevators, can be 10mm thick steel and channel steel production corbel brackets, welding, corbel brackets least 5 If the floor at the door sill neither concrete nor embedded iron corbels, using M14 expansion bolt bracket above bracket, make steady loading sill. Door installation, door unit Bolt the post and lintel assembled to form the Door. Door in place and connected to ground planes Canto With lines fall and ruler measurements Door vertical, full-height should correspond to the vertical agreement Connecting plate or welded steel Door manner mounted on the wall layer hoistway door, door pockets on each side, middle and lower three fixed While ensuring that the front and rear door pockets, vertical error of no more than about 1/1000. The device is fixed on the door above the door Door Fittings Measuring points in the left and right door rails Measuring the verticality of the hall door sill. Pine door opener unit above the mounting plate bolts Make contact with the wall mounting plate with the mounting plate bolts in the wall of the well. Installation hall door, adjust Tingmen Bolted the door and the door siding In the lower door installation door guide shoes, the shoes into the door sill slots in between the doors and 6mm thick sill mat support. Conducted between the door and the doors siding with special shimming, so as to meet the requirements, then the door siding and door fastening screw connections The eccentric transferred back and slide spacing of less than 0.5 mm Removed the doors and the sill between the pad thing Gate taxi tests, to brisk freely for qualified Two front doors deviation should be less than 0.5mm, when the hall door shut both doors space no larger than 6mm. Doors and sill gap should be between 1 ~ 6mm Door and door gaps should be between 1 ~ 6mm Lock adjustment Door Locks and Door adjustment layer safety switch, to reach the latch hook flexible action until proven electrical safety device locking action, the minimum length of engagement of the locking element is 7mm Forced closing devices installed When the floor doors open, in the absence of external force, landing door automatically closes smoothly Layer apron door installation Layer steel door sill under bracket, you should install 1.5mm thick steel apron, the width of the steel plate should extend over each layer on both sides of the gate width 25mm, the vertical height of not less than 350mm, the following should be the next extension of an inclined plane , so that the angle between the inclined surface and the horizontal plane of not less than 60 °, its depth is not less than the projection 20mm.

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