
Ask Jerry鸡尾酒

  • 编辑:配音云
  • 分类:配音资讯
  • 浏览次数:918
  • 发布时间:2020-06-19 06:24:36
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(4s)Ask Jerry, for everything about cocktail. (6s)Named after the famous bartender Jerry P. Thomas, Jerry is a cocktail lover and a night life enthusiast just like you! (9s)Everyday from 5pm to midnight, Jerry will be on Wechat to answer all your questions about cocktails.(10s)You can find out interesting facts about cocktails and bartenders, by simply talking to Jerry and read Jerry’s weekly posts (10s)Learn cocktail recipes in Cocktail WIKI. Hand by hand and step by step, make your own cocktail at home is just as easy as that. (5s) Wondering where to go tonight? Jerry knows the best bars in town. (5s)Jerry’s event calendar will show you what is happening in night life. (10s)Don’t feel like going out? You can alsoorder Pernod Ricard’s spirits directly via WeChat to make cocktails at home. Within a blink, you can buy all the spirits you want. (5s)[v1 take out]Not a friend with Jerry yet? Scan the QR code or search “Ask_Jerry”. (4s)Let Jerry take you on a journey of cocktails in the nightlife of China! Cheers.
配音制作/配音/配音棚租用/音乐制作/伴奏制作/ 全国联系电话:13568829740  

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