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华彩的航行 GLORIOUS VOYAGE -----中交一航局第三工程有限公司专题片文本  TEXT of DOCUMENTARY for No.3 Engineering Company Ltd. of CCCC First Harbor Engineering Company Ltd
【解说】 1953年5月,一个生机盎然的春日,位于辽东半岛最南端的大连,有一项代号为“1011”的军港工程在旅顺口悄然动工。从此,共和国一支筑港劲旅——中交一航局第三工程有限公司的历史开启了。 On a exuberant [ɪgˈzu:bərənt] Spring day in May of the year 1953, a project coded “1011” in Naval Port of Lvshun commenced [kəˈmenst]  quietly, located in the south-most tip of Liaotung Peninsula. From then on, No.3 Engineering Company Ltd. of CCCC First Harbor Engineering Company Ltd began her history as a Republic’s crack force engaging in harbor construction. 旅顺军港整修和新建工程是公司历史上承建的首个工程,其中的潜艇码头是新中国建设的第一个沉箱重力式码头。当时在苏联援建的156个重大项目中,公司参建项目有3项。由此,“航三人”踏上了漫漫航程。 Repairing and Newly-built Works for Lvshun Naval Port is the first project since the foundation on 3rd May 1953, in which a Submarine Dock is the first gravity [ˈɡræviti] caisson [ˈkeisən] one built in New China. When the former Soviet [ˈsəuviət] Union [ˈju:njən] aided [ˈeidid]  in building 156 major projects, the Company participated in construction for three of them. Henceforward, “HANGSANREN” (generations of her employees) took the step on a long journey. 悠悠岁月,沧海桑田,作为共和国交通基础设施建设的先行官,中交一航局第三工程有限公司以沉箱重力式码头施工的100个之最,见证了中国建设发展的沧桑足迹,见证了大连和东北地区的成长和振兴,更见证了改革开放为中华民族振兴带来的勃勃生机与活力。 As a Republic’s pioneer of communications for infrastructures, the Company witnessed [ˈwitnist] the shifting footmarks during China’s construction and development; witnessed the growth and revitalization [ˌriːˌvaɪtəlaɪˈzeɪʃn] in Dalian and Northeast China; further witnessed the vitality [vaɪˈtælɪti:] and vigor derived from Chinese Nation due to reform and opening-up.
2、第一篇章  《启航篇》)Chapter I - Weighing Anchor
【解说】 中交一航局第三工程有限公司是我国首个在境外上市的特大型国有基建企业、世界500强企业——中国交通建设股份(集团)有限公司的二级子公司,直属中交第一航务工程局有限公司,是一家以水运及土木工程施工为主的大型综合性建筑企业。 The Company is a second-grade subsidiary of China Communications Construction Company Ltd., who is the first extra large state-owned infrastructure enterprise listed overseas and ranked in world’s top 500. She is directly subordinated to First Harbor Engineering Company Ltd, a large comprehensive enterprise focusing on the construction of water carriage and civil engineering projects.   公司在创建的前20年里,创造了数不胜数的共和国首创技术,浇注混凝土沉箱技术和重力式码头施工技术的重大突破,使公司在水工建设领域异军突起、独领风骚。公司承建了我国首个潜艇码头、首个万吨级远洋货轮船台、首个综合性大型军事港口工程、大庆石油第一条海上运输通道、亚洲最大渔港、以及包钢取排水口基础设施等30余项重点工程。 In the first 20 years of the establishment, domestically the Company innovated countless initiative technologies. Great breakthroughs in placing concrete into caisson and gravity whalf construction rendered the company quite unexpected to take the lead in the field of hydraulic construction. Over 30 key projects were constructed, including the first submarine dock, the first shipway for 100,000T Ocean-going Freighters, the first comprehensive Naval Port Project, Daqing oil Delivery Pipeline, the largest fishing port in Asia, infrastructures of water intake and outlet for Baotou Iron and Steel (Group) Co., Ltd., etc. 在艰苦卓绝的岁月中,公司将“流动为荣、筑港为乐、敢打硬仗、敢争一流”作为精神追求,与年轻的共和国同呼吸、共命运;“睡大通铺,点25度,喝苞米糊糊”,手扛肩抬、棍撬锨挖,工程在哪儿,哪儿就是家,用汗水和生命不断创造出新的传奇。历经洗礼、历经磨砺,广大员工所迸发出的建设热情,在新中国筑港建设史上留下了浓墨重彩;他们在大生产中磨砺出来的坚韧品格,铸就了筑港人的灵魂;他们钢铁般的意志和无私奉献情怀,托起了“航三人”伟岸的脊梁。 In the past years of extremely painstaking endeavors, the Company shared the common weal and woe with young Republic regarding “Honor in Mobilization; Delights in harbor construction; Brave Fighting in Tough Battles; Striving to the first-class Works” as her spiritual aims. We created a new legend by our sweat and lives through ever sleeping in collective beds, lighting 25 degree bulbs, and drinking corn paste. We lifted materials with both hands and shoulders, pried with sticks and dug with shovels. Where exists a project, there is home. After severe tests and sufferings, all our enthusiasms, bursting into construction, left thick and heavy in colors in a new history of Chinese harbor construction. Our tenacities, sharpened from the grand production, generated our souls with our iron wills and selfless feelings.
3、第二篇章《扬帆篇》Chapter II - Sailing
【解说】 上世纪70到90年代中期,是中交一航局第三工程有限公司筑港事业的高峰期,取得的成就,令世人瞩目。 From 1970s to mid-1990s, it experienced a peak season for the Company to carry out port construction, and meanwhile the remarkable achievements held the world’s attention. 我国首个自行设计的5万吨级和10万吨级船台的建成,昭示了共和国显著增强的造船实力;我国首个深海区开敞式原油码头——秦皇岛港原油码头、我国首座10万吨级原油码头——大连鲇鱼湾原油码头的建成,实现了毛泽东主席和周恩来总理“三年改变港口面貌”的嘱托,“宁让汗水漂起船,不让工期拖一天,建设争气港”是公司三年大建港时期积累的宝贵精神财富;马耳他30万吨级干船坞、毛里塔尼亚友谊港等大型援外工程,在地中海和非洲国家树立了共和国的丰碑;大连湾和尚岛煤码头工程的中标,宣告了公司改革开放后施工机制向招投标经营的全面起步;大窑湾港一期泊位工程是由世界银行贷款项目,它的中标宣告了公司正式进入国际招标工程领域;大连造船新厂20万吨级船坞,时称“神州第一坞”;普兰店湾大桥作为当时我国最长的跨海桥,获得国家施工专利。 Completion of 50,000T and 100,000T shipways, being the first self-design ones in our country, declared publicly Republic’s significantly enhanced shipbuilding strength.  The first crude oil terminal in open and deep sea area - Qinhuangdao Crude Oil Terminal and the first 100,000T Crude Oil Whalf at Nianyu Bay, both of which fulfilled the trust “Changes of Ports’ Appearances in Three Years” by Chairmen Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai. Valuable psychic wealth is accumulated during three-year extraordinary period for harbor construction, that we would rather float a boat with our sweat, not delay one day of Contract Duration.  Large aid projects abroad, such as 300,000T dry dock in Malta, Friendship Harbor in Mauri Tania, etc. set up a Republic’s monument in Mediterranean and African countries. Acceptance of a bid for Monk Island Coal Whalf Project at Dalian Bay announced a start in all aspects to bidding and bid operation in constructional mechanism after reforms and opening-up. Winning a bid for Berth Project Phase I at Dayao Bay, whose loans were provided with the World Bank, proclaimed the Company’s entrance to international bidding field. 200,000T Dock for Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd was named “China First Dock” at that time. Sea-crossing Bridge at Pulandian Bay was the longest then, which obtained a state patent in constructional respect.  【解说加字幕】 大连湾和尚岛煤码头工程获得交通部优质工程奖; Monk Island Coal Whalf Project at Dalian Bay was awarded the Excellent Project Prize by the Ministry of Communications. 大窑湾一期泊位工程获得鲁班奖、首届詹天佑奖、交通部水运工程质量奖; Berth Project Phase I of Dayao Bay was awarded Luban Prize, 1st Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize and Project Quality Prize by the Ministry of Communications.  大连造船新厂20万吨级船坞工程设计与制造获得国家科技进步一等奖。 Building and design of 200,000T Dock for Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Co., Ltd won the first prize in scientific and technological Progress.
【解说】 任凭风浪起,扬帆志更坚。 Regardless of numerous difficulties, we will still work hard. 前进的道路不可能都是一番风顺的。中交一航局第三工程有限公司在迈向改革开放的历史发展进程中也曾经有过艰难探索,经受过惊涛骇浪,但凭着锲而不舍的努力,同样创造了不凡的业绩。 It is impossible for all the roads to move on smoothly, likewise, the Company also encountered difficult explorations, suffered terrifying waves, but finally created outstanding feats by way of never giving- up efforts.
【解说加字幕】 中远船坞工程首次采用了直接在海中建造船坞的湿法施工技术,为国内首例,亚洲第三例,获得第三届詹天佑奖; An adoption of wet-method construction technology when building COSCO dock in the sea is the first around the country ranking the third in Asia, won 3rd Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize. 21世纪初我国最大的30万吨级原油码头、30万吨级矿石码头工程同时建设、同时竣工,分别获得国家级优质工程银质奖、第七届詹天佑奖; At the beginning of this Century, the largest 300,000T Crude Oil Wharf was built and then completed, while so did 300,000T Ore Terminal, both of which individually received a Silver Award for National High-quality Projects and 7th Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize. 大窑湾港一期续建的后四个泊位,获得第六届詹天佑奖;大窑湾岛堤是全国首例重力式梳式结构堤; Four Berths Project Continued to Phase I of Dayao Bay received 6th Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize; Dayao Bay Offshore Breakwater is the first gravity breakwater in “comb” structure. 大连北良港100万吨筒仓群,无论是单仓容量还是群体个数,在国内都首屈一指,是亚洲最大的粮食筒仓群; 1,000,000 T silo group in Dalian Beiliang Port is the largest silos for storage of foodstuff whether in single volume or in group quantity in Asia. 澳门国际机场跑道工程获得鲁班奖、詹天佑奖; Macau International Airport’s Runway got both Luban Award and Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize. 公司还成功打入海外市场,承建了阿拉伯联合酋长国、阿曼、卡塔尔等国的多项工程,赢得盛誉。 The company broke into overseas market and has won high reputations via contracting many a project in United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, etc..
4、第三篇章 《发展篇》Chapter III - Progressing
【解说】 斗转星移,峰回路转。“十一五”规划以来,中交一航局第三工程有限公司抢抓国家基本建设重要战略机遇期,实现了历史上最大规模、最快速度、最好质量的大跨越发展。 Since 11th Five-Year Program, the Company has grasped important strategic opportunities for national communications, thus archieved a giant leaping development on the largest scale, at the fastest speed and in the highest quality. 在与狼共舞的严峻的市场竞争中,想要站稳脚跟并占领高地,没有先进的管理理念,是不可能实现的。总揽全局,才能趋利避害;集思广益,方能形成卓识。公司的领航者是一个继往开来、挑战自我的领导集体,他们紧紧围绕着市场,把建设先进企业文化,打造强有力团队,提升到关乎企业生死存亡的战略高度,把转型文化、精细文化、竞优文化、和谐文化深植于每个员工的灵魂之中,培育“干一流的,做最好的”的共同价值观,坚持“诚信、适应、务实、自强”的从业准则,追求“干一流的项目,育一流的人才,过一流的日子”的共同愿景,大力实施“三步走”发展战略,走管理技术型发展之路。 The advanced managerial concepts are absolutely necessary if the Company would like to stand firm on her own two feet and then occupy a highland in this cruelly competitive market as if dancing with wolves. Her pilot, the wisest leadship forcefully implements “Three-Step Strategy” and walks a road toward administrative and technoligical progress. 公司坚持章鱼经营与高端经营,不断推升产业链升级,打造强力生产体系,依靠广泛的合作,使经营额、营业额、利润额三大指标分别以年均30%以上的速度增长,实现“十一五”规划的圆满收官和“十二五”规划的良好开局。率先迈出结构调整步伐,在保持传统经营优势中开启了特别业务发展之舟。2006至2011年,公司完成施工产值255亿元,是公司前十个五年计划总和的4倍还多;2011年更是创造了经营额、营业额双超75亿元,利润额超2亿元的历史新记录,员工生活水平逐年稳步提升。 The Company insists on octopus managements dealing with high-end industries, continuously upgrades the industrial chain, builds mighty production system, relies on extensive cooperation, which had three indexes of contract amount, turnover and profit respectively increase beyond 30% annually, furthermore, fulfill the 11th Five-Year Program successfully and start the next Program well. Priority to take a step of structural adjustments sets sail of opening special professions. From 2006 to 2011, output value of completed construction amounted for RMD 25.5 billion Yuan exceeding 4 more times than that of the previous ten Five-Year Programs. In 2011, both contract amount and turnover were above RMB 7.5 billion Yuan, amount of profit was over RMB 200 million Yuan, which hit a historic new record. Our lives’ level is being promoted steadily year by year. 【解说加字幕】 国内最长船坞——中远大连旅顺造船项目1#船坞主体提前4个半月完工; The longest dock, COSCO Dalian Lvshun Shipbuilding Works – Dock 1#, was completed mainly four and a half months in advance. 大窑湾港45万吨级原油码头仅245天竣工,创造了施工史奇迹; 450,000T Crude Oil Whalf at Dayao Bay was finished fully in mere 245 days, which works a wonder in the history of construction. 西南第一、全国第三的重庆嘉陵江草街航电枢纽船闸工程顺利通航,内河山区船闸施工关键技术达到国际先进水平; Caojie Navigation-Power Junction Lock Project, on Jialing River in Caojie Town of Chongqing City, was smoothly opened to navigation, which marks that key technologies in lock construction in inland river mountainous basins has reached an advanced level in the world. 烟大铁路轮渡工程获得“火车头优质工程一等奖”、鲁班奖、詹天佑奖; Yantai-Dalian Railway Ferry Port Project was named “Locomotive Quality Project Award of Gold”, 2008 Luban award of China's Construction Project and 8th Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize. 成功打入铁路、造船、钢结构制安、大直径PHC管桩和物流市场,成功运作BT、B0T等大型投融资项目。 The Company broke into diverse markets such as railway, shipbuilding, steel structural fabrication and installation, PHC pipe piles in big diameters and logistics, in addition, successfully operated large investment and financing projects consisting of BT, BOT or else.
【解说】 公司拥有一大批高素质,专业化的管理人才和一专多能的司操技师队伍,成为公司前行的源泉、动力和引擎。22个作风硬朗、善打硬仗的基层单位和100余支协作队伍,成就了一艘纵横四海的航母。 The Company possesses a lot of high-quality managerial talents and teams of operators and technicians being specialized and versatile, who become a spring source, power and engine for her to move forward. Besides, 22 primary tough units and more than 100 cooperative groups bring up an aircraft carrier throughout the world. 持续提升企业创造力和持续发展力,这是所有“航三人”的追求,是中交一航局第三工程有限公司发展的目标。 All our pursuit is sustainable promotion in enterprise’s creativity and ability to develop, which is also the Company’s aim for developments. 使命与决策是企业成功的真谛,是基业长青、永不衰败的灵魂。 Missions and decisions are not only the true meaning of success, but also the spirit of immortality for an enterprise.
5、第四篇章《跨越篇》Chapter IV – Leaping Development
【解说】 时光变幻,激情不变。 Time changes, but our passion for construction will never change.  目前,公司已具有了国家港口与航道工程施工、市政公用工程施工、预拌商品混凝土施工、混凝土预制构件、土石方工程专业、钢结构工程专业、交通部水运工程试验检测、船舶建造的全部资质,截止到2012年,公司总资产超过了55亿元。 At present, with a total assets exceeding RMB 5.5 billion Yuan up to 2012, the Company has all the national qualifications for construction of Harbor and Channel engineering, Public and Municipal Projects, Pre-mixed Concrete and its units; earthworks; Steel Structural engineering, shipbuilding, Examinations and Tests on Water Carriage Works controlled by Ministry of Communications. 公司被国家、辽宁省、大连市授予“重合同、守信用”企业称号;在全国建筑施工企业信用等级评价中,被评为“AAA级信用企业”,2011年获得“全国优秀施工企业”桂冠。 Titles of “Contract Abiding and Trustworthy enterprise” are awarded separately by the authorities of the State, Liaoning Province and Dalian City.; “AAA Crediting Enterprise” is evaluated in crediting evaluation among construction enterprises with a range of the whole country; the Company was crowned “Nationwide Excellent Construction Corporation” in 2011. 经过不懈的努力,公司主营领域、地域不断扩大。不仅在码头、船坞、船闸、滑道、防波堤、围堰、软基处理等传统施工领域占据优势,同时在公路、铁路、桥梁、机场、筒仓、土石方、水利、核电、污水处理等大土木施工领域也创造了骄人的业绩。 With indefatigable efforts, the Company enlarges her main business scopes following the geographical expansion gradually, which has absolute advantages in traditional construction fields, such as wharf, dock, navigation lock, shipway, breakwater, confferdam, treatments in soft foundations, in the meanwhile, she created impressive achievements in series of large civil engineering works, like highways, railways, bridges, airports, silos, earthworks, irrigation works, nuclear power, sewage treatments. 公司的施工项目北起哈尔滨,南到海南岛,东自福建,西至青海,遍布祖国18000公里海岸线和18个省(自治区)、直辖市和特别行政区,2012年,在建大小工程达到130余项。 The projects pervade 18,000km coastline in the motherland, 18 provinces (Autonomous Region), municipalities and Special Administrative Regions, where they stretch from Harbin in the north, to the south of Hainan Island, from Fujian in the east, to the west of Qinghai. More than 130 projects are under construction in 2012. 当前,公司紧紧抓住东北老工业基地振兴、辽宁沿海经济带建设的时代机遇,调结构、转方式,经营领域逐步向石油、天然气、清洁能源等基础设施建设等相关产业拓展,不断培育公司新的经济增长点。 So far, the Company seizes the opportunity for strategy of revitalization for old industrial base in northeast China and strategy of Liaoning Coastal Economic Belt Development, is cultivating new economic growth points, step by step her scope of business is extended to the industries of communications relevant to Petrol, natural gas, clean energies. 气清更觉山川近,心远方知宇宙宽。 You can achieve more by setting high goals.   【解说加字幕】 Fiv国内首个容积最大船坞长兴岛STX海洋构筑物项目等五项工程及技术成果创造了2011年大连企业新纪录; e projects and some technical results made a new record for Dalian enterprises in 2011. 大连长兴岛水工项目、大连临空产业园项目、海南某岛堤工程、泉州船厂1#、2#船坞工程等大型项目正紧锣密鼓、进展有序地进行; Changxing Island (Dalian) Water Project, Dalian Airport Industrial Park, Certain offshore Breakwater in Hainan Province and other mega-projects.are in progress.   南澳跨海大桥、普湾新区跨海桥工程正稳步推进; Nan’ao Sea-crossing Bridge and the other similarity in New District at Pulandian Bay are advancing steadily.  大连滨海大道、大连新机场工程全线展开; Dalian Seaside Avenue and Dalian New Airport Project progress in full. 修造船和钢结构加工频传捷报; Good news of shipbuilding and fabrication of steel structures spreads frequently.  PHC管桩厂成绩斐然; Factory to fabricate PHC pipe piles make an extraordinary performance. 香炉礁物流中心一期即将投产,二期建设正在抓紧建设中。 Xiang Lujiao Logistics Center Project Stage I is about to go into operation, its Stage II is under way. 这是一片铸造辉煌的天地;这是一方成就梦想的舞台。 This is a place for making achievements; this is a stage to fulfill dreams. 
6、尾声 End
大连启航,睥睨天下,耕波犁浪的60个春秋,留下了一道道金色的航迹,如今,中交一航局第三工程有限公司正以高瞻远瞩的目光,彰显务实之魅、厚积之魅、先锋之魅、超越之魅,开始了新的航行。“航三人”驾驭、承载的这艘中国建筑业的现代化巨轮,必将乘风破浪,所向披靡。 Sailing from Dalian, having outfaced all the world, the Company remained plenty of gold track ploughing through the waves in the past sixty years. Nowaday, She has the foresight and is starting a new voyage that shows the charms of pragmatism, pioneer and profound accumulation. The great ship driven by HANGSANREN is bound to ride the waves invicably. 
“行者无疆,踔厉前行;立足大连、拓展全国、走向世界” “By maintaining unremitting efforts and a headquarters in Dalian, the No. 3 Engineering Company will develop both national and international markets”
配音   配音洽谈电话:13568829740

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1 男1_专题_人物专题配音_讲述 男1-大气专题 559 0.3万 收藏 下单
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