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  • 发布时间:2020-06-20 12:36:22
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Neoclassica 拉芬陶瓷品牌旗下的Neoclassica系列,再现了大理石超越时间的美。
The timeless beauty of marble comes to life in the LaFaenzaCeramica Neoclassica project.
These double-fired, 30x90cm rectified tiles, specifically designed for residential interiors, are the ideal solution for prestigious, high-impact wall décor. 呈现六种最名贵的建材大理石图案,色调从最明亮的白色到最深沉的黑色一应俱全,釉面高光透亮。
Six of the most precious marbles used in architecture with a brilliant gloss glaze and shades ranging from a bright and sparkling white  to a deep and impenetrable black. 表面花纹的高品质应归功于电子数码图像上色这一先进技术,保障了每一块瓷砖都拥有独一无二的肌理。
The prestigious quality of the surface patterning is obtained via advanced digital graphic techniques that ensure each tile is unique. 此外Neoclassica还配备丰富多样的装饰花片,包括细木护壁板、与类似石膏浮雕的腰线、等各类产品。
A rich range of coordinated decors is also available including boiserie, and listellos reproducing plaster features. Fluida
The Neoclassica collection can also be combined Fluida coloured glazed porcelain floor tiles.  These tiles are available in a 60x60cm format, in five bright colours created with a beautiful polished glaze.   Pretiosa  (preziosa) Preziosa[Please, pronounce it correctly !][发音不对,请注意]系列所采用的技术模拟、再现了最华美的石材纹理。
Pretiosa is a technique that brings out the beauty of a certain stone by juxtaposing it with others.
This innovative concept mixes different types of natural stone connected simply by their colour. The result is a meandering mixture of different elements and movements smoothed through by a single background colour.
The elegance of stone and the classic mood it represents are therefore enhanced with new style. Preziosa[Please, pronounce it correctly!][发音不对,请注意
]拥有三种尺寸规格:30x60、 40x60、 60x60cm,互相之间也混合搭配使用;
Three modular formats are available, 30x60, 40x60, 60x60cm, plus five colours and three finishes:  natural, honed and slate-cut. Pretiosa[发音不对,请注意
][Please, pronounce it correctly!]的装饰效果来自于各种纹理的混搭、不同尺寸的交替以及表面色彩的深浅晕染。
Preziosa is a uniquely stylish solution created with a mixture of textures, alternating shades and formats, and the chromatic depth of its surfaces.
Trapezoidal tiles, arranged with alternating colours, also help enhance laying solutions, while tumbled tessera mosaics, created via a long and prestigious precious, restore the priceless dimension of time. Studio Studio是拉芬陶瓷品牌旗下的一个系列,用以完美的表达这一精心、多样性系列的理念。
Studio, a name that captures the concept behind this versatile and carefully designed LaFaenzaCeramica project perfectly. 该系列有适用于地板和墙面的两个分类,30x60, 60x60 和45x90 cm三种通体规格,此外还有创新的两次烧制及修正的20x60 cm尺寸。
This twin range, designed for floors and walls, comes in rectified full body porcelain 30x60, 60x60 and 45x90 cm sizes, plus the new size 20x60 cm in rectified double firing. 该通体全瓷系列的产品拥有八种现代优雅的色彩,表面柔和、触感舒适,略带波浪面。
The full-bodied, porcelain range boasts eight modern and elegant colours with soft-touch, lightly undulating surfaces.
And to complete the range, a line of decorations that play with geometrical matrices and combine simple shapes, like triangles and circles, created using a hydrojet cutting technique and net-mounted to create high-impact inserts.                             
Ten colours are available for the double-fired wall tile format, all with a particular focus on neutral, delicate shades that can also be used in suitable contrasts thanks to the three refined and contemporary hues of coral, olive green and petrol blue.
The surfaces are also lightly textured with the aid of an innovative sinking material that generates an appealing play of light. 该系列产品极为丰富多样,提供多种双重烧制瓷砖用于设计个性化墙面:
A vast range of elements is also available for decorating and customizing the double-fired wall tiles. These include:
_ high impact, twin colour, interlocking mosaics in twin colour solutions, as well as delicate, monochrome, micro-tessera, mosaics;
_simple, rectified strip tiles offering tone-on-tone or light and dark combinations that break up surfaces with attractive line and light play. 最后,Studio系列还有色彩艳丽的腰线,造型感极强的花卉图案花片,以及流苏花边效果的各类瓷砖,增添装潢的华美。
Lastly, Studio also offers a glamorous range of slim, coloured stick tiles, stylized floral decorations and macramé effect surfaces.

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