

  • 编辑:配音云
  • 分类:配音档案
  • 浏览次数:531
  • 发布时间:2020-06-20 12:36:23
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5000211 Day and Night Cycle
Hi, my friends and I are curious to know about the day and night cycle. Don’t you want to know why we have the day and night cycle? Come, join us on our trip and explore this wonder of the universe.
We will learn that day and night cycle is a natural phenomenon that takes place on the earth.
Planets in the solar system are in constant motion and they revolve around the sun. All these planets, including the earth, also rotate on their own respective axis. This rotation results in day and night on the earth. Check this out, the world time zone map shows that it is day time on some continents, while it is night-time on the others. How does this happen? Come! Let us look at the position of the earth with reference to the sun to understand this phenomenon. The sun is in a fixed position in the solar system. The earth, as you know, constantly rotates on its own axis which is an imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole through the centre of the earth. This rotation is from west to east and takes 24 hours to complete. Due to this rotation and positioning of the earth and the sun, it so happens that only one part of the earth can face the sun at any given time. Hence, the part that faces the sun has day, while it is night on the other side of earth that is facing away from the sun. Thus, the rotation of the earth changes day into night and night into day again. However, that part of the earth which has night-time is illuminated by the moon. But the moon does not make its own light. Just as sunlight strikes the surface of the earth, it does that of the moon as well. The moon reflects this light on to the earth during night. This explains the day and night cycle. It’s time to get back home.
Today we learnt about the day and night cycle.
The earth revolves around the sun and is constantly spinning on its axis.
It takes 24 hours to complete one rotation.
Only one part of the earth faces the sun at any given time.
Thus the part of the earth facing the sun has day while the other part has night.


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